Wednesday, November 29, 2006

First Snow

Last night, we got the first snow of winter. This morning, Tommy got up and took photos while I got ready for work.

Admittedly, I got a little grumpy when he photographed me scooping snow off the car instead of actually helping. Incidentally, this became the last snow picture taken this morning. . . but then he lovingly helped me scrape the car windows while I grumpified. (He demanded I add that last part.)

Anyhow, at 9:14 pm, the stuff is still comin' down. If the state of New Mexico is closed due to inclement weather tomorrow, you may just see some more snow photos. ;)


Sus said...

Of course you have leopard print earmuffs. Cute!

We have yet to get snow. This may change in the next 24 hours. So far, yours is really pretty.

Tricia said...

It has snowed more and we are now officially on a two-hour delay. Coffee for me. At the moment, it's four degrees outside, and I'm thinking the snow photos can wait!

Melissa said...

Well, it's Friday afternoon here, and our unofficial calculation is 14". I'll do pictures soon. Maybe....