Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Daisy in Disguise

For those of you who don't live in Santa Fe, John Cougar has continued his world tour. That is to say, there has been another siting in which our mountain lion was seen eating a chicken in broad daylight in a public rose garden a few blocks from our house. Honestly, I'm not sure which is weirder: a mountain lion in a rose garden, or the fact that apparently, someone in central Santa Fe has a hen house. Anyway, recent events have been hard on Rushing River, Placid Lagoon, and our hairy child Daisy, who is no longer allowed to go outside without adult supervision, lest she become a chihuahua McNugget. This has been going on for weeks now, and our little dog is getting stir crazy. Luckily my friend Linda suggested camouflage of the kind that is respected in the animal kingdom: We disguise her as a skunk. She's the perfect size. And THAT should make old John Cougar think twice about attacking her. The costume is still in the works, but fortunately, the Placid Lagoon has illustrated the Stealth Chihuahua Camouflage Costume.


Anonymous said...

you must take pictures of not only the finished product, but the product.

And you must, of course, actually make the damn thing. You'll make a fortune!

Anonymous said...

Damn. I must learn not to blog before coffee. I meant to say the final product as well as the process by which it's created.