Friday, February 23, 2007


Wow, it's been a long time since I posted. First I got busy with Christmas, then I took an eight-week freelance assignment on top of my regular job and fitness teaching, and the next thing I know, I haven't blogged for about two months. Anyway, the assignment includes photography, so over the past few weeks, I've taken quite a few photos that haven't made their way into print, but are nice nonetheless. Here's a visual log of the past six weeks.

A very snowy December day. I took a long walk with the camera and felt like Lucy in Narnia.

My gym, Evolve. Seems kinda mundane, but I've spent a good portion of my life here. Being part of a fitness community is endlessly rewarding. (And any of my Evolve friends who read this will TOTALLY make fun of me for being sappy now.)

On some travel for work, I went to Santa Rosa and Tucumcari, New Mexico. In Santa Rosa there's this geological phenomenon called the Blue Hole. As far as I can tell, it's the same thing they call a cenote in the Yucatan. It's an 80-foot-deep spring that's a constant 62 degrees. (I think that's the temperature, anyway.)

I took lots of photos of the koi in the Blue Hole. (Yes, the water really is that blue.)

I went on to Tucumcari, where I visited the historical society museum there. I thought it was kinda hokey at first, but I grew to love it, because it was obviously such a 3-D scrapbook of the community. Clearly, lotsa folks donated skulls. . .

. . . and family photos.

I love a museum that doesn't take itself too seriously.

On the drive back from Tucumcari and Santa Rosa, I managed to get several photos of these pronghorn antelope. I was surprised by how curious they were about me. The longer I stood there, the closer they got.

Here's the view in my windshield as I headed back to Santa Fe. That's Hermit's Peak, which looms over Las Vegas, New Mexico, stomping grounds of the Placid Lagoon (Tommy).

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